Key documents

Product Disclosure Statement, a must-read for new and existing Living Super members

Product Guide, the easy-to-understand guide to what you get with Living Super

Defined Fees Guide contains definitions, under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS), of fees and costs

Financial Services Guide assists you in deciding whether to use the services offered by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong)

Living Super 2021 Member Outcomes Assessment

Living Super 2020 Member Outcomes Assessment

Outsourced Providers lists the names of the key service providers for Living Super

Trustee Complaints Policy

Diversa Trustees Limited links to further information about the trustee of Living Super including governance and remuneration arrangements

Appointment of Representative Details Form is a form to provide details of person/s that you authorise to act and/or enquire on your Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) account/s

Living Super Retirement Income Strategy

Living Super - Portfolio Holdings Disclosure - 31 Dec 2021

Trust Deed

The Trust Deed is the legal document that establishes the Fund and sets out the rules governing its operation.