Superannuation interest rates
Living Super Cash Hub
The Cash Hub must hold a minimum of $500 or 1% of your account balance (whichever is greater and capped at $10,000), plus an additional amount equal to the insurance premiums and pension payments (if applicable) due to be paid in the following two months.
Living Super Cash option
Interest accrued on the cash option is reflected in the unit price.
Living Super Term deposits
Living Super Term Deposits offer a fixed rate of interest for the duration of the term and each require a minimum opening amount of $1,000. If you wish to close your Living Super Term Deposit before the maturity date, you must provide us with 31 days notice. The 2 year term deposit is only available in Super accounts, not Transition to Retirement or Pension accounts.
Variable welcome rate
For the first 6 months on balances up to $1 million for new customers
Standard variable rate
SMSF - Term Deposit
Get competitive fixed interest rates on deposits of between $10,000 and $10 million.
90 day rate
120 day rate
180 day rate
210 day rate
270 day rate
330 day rate
1 year rate
2 year rate