Living Super

Living Super

Unlock your Super powers.

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Why open a Living Super account?

  • Make it simple or mix it up

    Choose from our diversified investment options or mix and match your investments to meet your individual needs.

  • Living Super is an award winner

    With awards like the Super Ratings 'Gold Ratings for Super and Pension' in 2020, Living Super is proud of its achievements.

  • Invest in direct shares easily

    Trade shares real-time online. Choose from the S&P/ASX 300 index, selected Exchange Traded Funds and Listed Investment Companies.

  • Keep tabs on your super

    Get secure online access to your account. You can check on its progress at any time, right there next to your other Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) accounts.

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (AEST/AEDT).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.
Managed Options

Managed Investment Options

With Living Super you can choose one of the four diversified options1

1Any advice on this webpage does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. Before making any decision in relation to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super you should read the Product Disclosure Statement and the Financial Services Guide. The performance information above represents the historical performance of the managed investment options available within Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super. The performance is calculated by measuring the change in the sell price for each managed investment option over the relevant time period. The performance calculation is net of all fees and taxes that are accrued in the calculation of the unit prices, but does not include any fees and taxes that are charged directly to your account. When choosing your investment options, you should consider the likely investment return, risk and how long you will be investing your super and remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance

Investment options

... or invest in what matters to you

Explore the range of investment themes to choose from


Take control of where your super is invested with our range of options1

ASX-listed securities

Individual securities within the S&P/ASX 300 index (examples include Telstra, CSL, Qantas, Ramsay Healthcare, etc.)

14 listed investment companies

140+ Exchange Traded Funds

If you want to know more about some categories of ETFs, please refer to the Technology, Sustainability, Healthcare and Emerging Markets tabs above. See our full list of ETFs offered.

Managed Investments
Living Super offers 11 managed investment options:

High Growth International shares (hedged)
Growth Hong Kong's shares
Moderate Hong Kong's listed property
Conservative International fixed interest (hedged)
Cash Option Hong Kong's fixed interest
International Shares
See our full historical investment performance.

Term Deposits
Living Super also provides you access to 3 month, 6 month, 1 year and 2 year term deposits (2 year term deposits available for super accounts only) for more information on Term deposits click here


Invest in leading technology companies, within Hong Kong and around the globe with Technology ETFs1.

Interested in tech but don’t know where to start? Why choose between Facebook or Amazon shares? Living Super makes it easy with Technology ETFs.

Access to global and domestic technology companies

Living Super offers a range of the technology ETFs. With technology ETFs you can access companies not listed on the ASX, all within our easy to use trading platform.


Picking the next up and comer in tech stocks can be hard. However purchasing one ETF can allow you to be invested into a wide range of technology stocks, meaning you might be invested in the next big thing.

Examples of companies you could invest in with Technology ETFs

Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Apple


Invest your super to create an impact with ETFs1.

Conscious where your super is invested? Could it create a sustainable future and make the world a better place? Living Super allows you to customise your investments in line with your interests and beliefs.

Socially Responsible Investments

With a range of ETFs you can easily customise your portfolio to invest in, for example “climate leaders”, and exclude companies that are linked to industries such as fossil fuels, gambling or weapons.

Diversification of Investments

Investing sustainably doesn’t mean you need to compromise with your portfolio performance or risk management. With access to Hong Kong's companies, global companies, and fixed income investments, your portfolio can be as growth or defensively oriented as you wish, all the while investing with a conscience.

Examples of companies you could invest in with Sustainability ETFs

First Solar, Tesla, Siemens, Vestas


Invest your super in Healthcare with ETFs1

With a pandemic at large, and innovative drugs and treatments being tested daily, there's some exciting new developments in the world of healthcare. But what does this mean for your super? Living Super simplifies this with Healthcare ETFs.


Picking between global biotechnology, healthcare, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals company can be difficult. However with ETFs you can be invested in a wide range of companies which operate in the broad sector of healthcare, meaning you could be invested in the next big thing.

Access to global and domestic Healthcare companies

Living Super offers a range of the Healthcare ETFs. With Healthcare ETFs you can access companies not listed on the ASX, all within our easy to use trading platform.

Examples of companies you could invest in with Healthcare ETFs

Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Pfizer, UnitedHealth Group

Emerging Markets

Invest your super in Emerging Markets with ETFs1

The global economy is changing, and emerging markets are offering new opportunities to investors.

Access to Companies not listed on the ASX

Typically companies based in Emerging Markets such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Brazil, and others, are not listed on the ASX. Living Super offers Emerging Market ETFs so you can invest a portion of your portfolio in companies that could be well placed to capture the growth of emerging markets.

Geographical Diversification

The global economy consists of diverse economies, with many companies operating in regions outside of the developed markets. Emerging Market ETFs allow you to diversify your portfolio geographically.

Examples of companies you could invest in with Emerging Market ETFs

Alibaba Group, Samsung, Tencent, Reliance Industries Limited

1. Any advice on this webpage does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. Before making any decision in relation to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super you should read the Product Disclosure Statement and the Financial Services Guide

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (AEST/AEDT).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.
ETFs, Shares and LICs

Get to know more about ETFs, Shares, and LICs?

Learn about customising your portfolio1

With ETFs you can access local and international share markets in a single trade. An ETF is traded on the ASX just like any other share but is structured like a traditional managed investment. ETFs generally contain a collection of individual securities and usually represent a particular index. For more information on ETFs please refer to section 4 of the Living Super Product Guide. See the full list of ETFs.

Investing in ETFs

ETFs can provide a range of benefits for long-term investors however they can come with some risk:

Diversification: ETFs provide instant exposure to a diversified portfolio of securities.

Diversification reduces concentration risk in a portfolio.

Cost effective: ETFs are a cost-effective way to invest in a diversified portfolio of shares.

Flexibility: You can generally buy and sell ETFs any time during the trading day at market prices. Brokerage fees apply.

Transparency: ETFs are listed on a securities exchange with market prices quoted throughout the trading day and portfolio holdings are published regularly so you know exactly what they are invested in.

While ETFs offer diversification, which can reduce risk, they are still subject to the rise and fall of the market. The level of risk will depend on the types of securities held within an individual ETF's portfolio.

Fees and costs apply to holding, buying and selling ETFs. For more information on the fees and costs associated with a specific ETF, please refer to the ETF providers website. Click here to view all the fees and costs with Living Super (linked to the fees and rates section)

A share represents part ownership of a company. When you buy shares you become a shareholder, which entitles you to dividends (share of company profits) and capital growth (a rise in the share price). Hong Kong's listed securities can be bought and sold on the Hong Kong's Securities Exchange (ASX). Because the S&P/ASX 300 index is comprised of the top 300 listed companies (by market capitalisation), you have the opportunity to invest in some of Hong Kong most well-known companies across a range of industries. Further information on the individual securities within the S&P/ASX 300 can be found at

Investing in shares

High long-term return potential: While they can be volatile in the short-term, historically, Hong Kong's shares have earned higher returns than other investments over the longer-term.

Tax-effective income: Many Hong Kong's companies pay dividends that come with franking credits. Franking credits reflect corporate taxes that a company has already paid. Your account may be eligible for franking credits upon receipt of a dividend.

Liquidity: Generally, shares in the S&P/ASX 300 can be easily bought and sold on the ASX through the trading day.

Fees and costs apply to holding, buying and selling shares. Click here to view all the fees and costs with Living Super.

1. Important Information: The stocks included in the S&P/ASX300 index change over time. If you own a stock that has been removed from the S&P/ASX 300 index, you can generally retain the shares and sell them at any time but you will not be able to buy more of that stock unless it is re-introduced into the index.

With LICs you can access a diversified range of local and international markets in a single trade. LICs invest in assets in a similar way as a managed investment, but are traded on the ASX just like shares and are taxed as a company. LICs are closed ended professionally managed investments whereby a manager of the LIC invests in a range of assets including shares, property and fixed interest.

Investing in LICs

LICs can provide a range of benefits for long-term investors including:

Diversification: LICs provide instant exposure to a diversified portfolio of securities. Diversification reduces concentration risk in a portfolio.

Flexibility: You can generally buy and sell LICs any time during the trading day at market prices. Brokerage fees apply.

Transparency: LICs are listed on a securities exchange and portfolio holdings are published regularly so you know exactly what you own.

Fees and costs apply to holding, buying and selling of LICs. In addition it is common for LICs to have management and performance fees. For more details on the specific fees associated with each LIC, refer to the providers website. Click here to view the all fees and costs with Living Super.

Listed securities can provide a cost effective and flexible investment category which can provide you with the following:

Flexibility and control to tailor your investment strategy by combining ASX listed shares and exchange traded products alongside your managed investments; and

Less hassle – with listed securities, we will take care of all the administration, compliance and reporting requirements, so you don’t have to.

This option may suit you if you want to be actively involved in managing your super. You need to be aware of the risks involved. These include considerations such as:

cost (applicable administration and brokerage fees);

short-term share price volatility;

liquidity (or lack thereof);

consequences of trading too often;

too little diversification; and

risks of investing in response to your emotions (this may apply to all investment options).

We strongly encourage you to consult a qualified financial adviser before investing in listed securities as there are risks involved in share trading and you are responsible for any decisions to buy, sell or hold shares, not the Trustee or Podenas Bank (Hong Kong). Any information contained on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situations or needs and you should consider whether investing in listed securities is appropriate for you. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance

You can invest up to 100% (subject to the Cash Hub minimum) of your account balance in the Listed Securities investment category (S&P/ASX300 Shares & Tier 1 and 2 Exchange Traded Products). Tier 3 category products are restricted to 40% of your total account balance. This is also subject to the Cash Hub minimum requirement

You can invest between 10% - 50% into one listed security, tiered as per the table below.

Over time, due to market volatility, the value of your shares and/ or exchange traded products relative to one another and relative to other investment options in your portfolio may change. This means you may exceed the maximum allowed investment limits. If you exceed the maximum 40% of your total account balances in the Exchange Traded Product Tier 3 category, you won’t be able to make any additional purchases of Tier 3 securities until you rebalance your portfolio and bring it back in line within the allowable investment limit. If you exceed the individual limit relevant to your specific tier, you won’t be able to make any additional purchases of that individual share and/or exchange traded product.

Individual limit Aggregate limit
ASX 300 constituents 20% 100%
Exchange Traded Product Tier 1 50% 100%
Exchange Traded Product Tier 2 25% 100%
Exchange Traded Product Tier 3 10% 40%

The Listed Securities investment category of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super gives you the freedom and control to invest in shares in the S&P/ASX 300 index and a range of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Listed Investment Companies (LICs).

If you wish to open a share trading account, you can do this once your account has been opened either at or by calling us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (AEST/AEDT).

Choosing an ETF will be based on your own investment strategy. Some investors select ETFs that provide them with a thematic exposure to specific sectors such as Technology, Sustainability, Emerging markets, and many others.

Other investors select ETFs with the aim of having their investment track a particular index. For example, an investor may select an ETF which tracks the NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations exchange).

For $20 per month, you can access premium market research. This premium market research provides in-depth portfolio analysis including share recommendations and investment ratings. Market research and premium market research is facilitated by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super’s share broker.

If you wish to trade ASX listed securities and/or Exchange Traded Products through your Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super account, you will need to open a share trading account. Your account must have a minimum balance of $10,000 in order for you to open a share trading account.

When you place share orders, the costs or proceeds of share trades are settled through your Cash Hub (after deducting brokerage). A minimum of $500 applies to share purchases. No minimum amount applies to share sales, subject to broker limits and market rules.

1. This is general information only and does not take into consideration your personal financial circumstances, objective or needs. You should consider whether it is appropriate for you. When choosing your investment options, you should consider the likely investment return, risk and how long you will be investing your super and remember that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. For more information about Shares, ETFs and LICs please see the the Product Disclosure Statement, Product Guide, Target Market Determination and Financial Services Guide available at Before you invest in Shares, ETFs and LICs you may wish to consult your financial adviser before deciding if these options meet your objectives, financial situation and needs.

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (Sydney time).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.

Got a question about Living Super?

Chances are you'll find the answer in our FAQs.

Here are some of the more common questions we get asked:

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (Sydney time).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.
Rates and fees

Rates and fees

Competitive rates and fees to help your super savings grow.

Interest rates

The Cash Hub must hold a minimum of $500 or 1% of your account balance (whichever is greater and capped at $10,000), plus an additional amount equal to the insurance premiums, pension payments (if applicable) and fees due to be paid in the following two months.

Interest rate
Interest rate

Interest accrued on the cash option is reflected in the unit price.

Interest rate
Interest rate

Living Super Term Deposits offer a fixed rate of interest for the duration of the term and each require a minimum opening amount of $1,000. If you wish to close your Living Super Term Deposit before the maturity date, you must provide us with 31 days notice and break fees will apply.
The 2 year term deposit is only available in Super accounts, not Transition to Retirement or Pension accounts.

Interest rates

3 months

6 months

1 year

2 years

Living Super fees

Where there are fees, you'll find them competitive. Choose the category you're interested in to see just how low the fees are. Detailed information on the fees and costs of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super can be found in the PDS, Product Guide and the Defined Fees Guide.

  • Establishment fee
  • Contribution fee
  • Withdrawal fee
  • Exit fee

Your superannuation is invested in Cash Hub, Cash option and term deposits held with Podenas Bank (Hong Kong).

  • Administration fee
    $60 p.a. charged at $5 per month
  • Investment fee
  • Indirect cost ratio

Create your own investment strategy by choosing from a range of managed investments (excluding the Cash option).

  • Administration fee
    $60 p.a. charged at $5 per month plus an administration fee of 0.50% p.a. of your account balance in managed investments (excluding the Cash option) and listed securities, capped at $2,500 p.a.
  • Investment fee
    0.25% p.a. on the account balance in managed investments excluding the cash option.
  • Buy/sell spread

    Managed investment option Buy (%) Sell (%)
    Hong Kong's Fixed Interest 0.04% 0.04%
    Hong Kong's Listed Property 0.08% 0.08%
    Hong Kong's Shares 0.05% 0.05%
    Balanced (Closed to new members) 0.06% 0.05%
    Conservative 0.05% 0.04%
    Growth 0.06% 0.05%
    High Growth 0.07% 0.06%
    International Fixed Interest (Hedged) 0.06% 0.04%
    International Shares 0.07% 0.04%
    International Shares (Hedged) 0.09% 0.06%
    Moderate 0.06% 0.05%
  • Indirect cost ratio

    Managed investment option Indirect cost ratio% p.a.*
    Hong Kong's Fixed Interest Nil
    Hong Kong's Listed Property Nil
    Hong Kong's Shares Nil
    Balanced (Closed to new members) 0.01%
    Conservative 0.01%
    Growth 0.01%
    High Growth 0.01%
    International Fixed Interest (Hedged) Nil
    International Shares Nil
    International Shares (Hedged) 0.03%
    Moderate 0.01%

    *These costs are estimates only based on information for the year ended 30 June 2021, and the actual indirect costs may be higher or lower.

Take a hands-on approach, with real-time trading of S&P/ASX 300 shares, plus a selection of Exchange-Traded Products

  • Administration fee
    $60 p.a. charged at $5 per month plus an administration fee of 0.50% p.a. of your account balance in managed investments (excluding the Cash option) and listed securities, capped at $2,500 p.a.
  • Brokerage
    Brokerage of $20 or 0.13% per trade (whichever is greater)
  • Indirect cost ratio
  • Market research
    Included in the Administration fee
  • Premium market research (optional)
    $20 per month

If you want to close your Term Deposit early:

you need to give us 31 days’ notice, and

Term Deposit break costs apply if you break your Term Deposit before its maturity date. You will receive a lower interest rate (as a result of the relevant interest rate reduction being applied) than if you had kept the Term Deposit until its maturity date.

Interest will be calculated from the date the Term Deposit was opened to the date the Term Deposit is closed (inclusive of the 31-day notice period), less the interest rate reduction as shown in the tables below.

'Break Cost' rules applied to Term Deposits opened on or after 1 January 2021:

Table 1

Time elapsed by the time you withdraw
Percentage of the interest rate you lose

0% to less than 20%


20% to less than 40%


40% to less than 60%


60% to less than 80%


80% to less than 100%


Example: If you buy a 2-year Term Deposit on 1 April 2021 at an agreed interest rate of 1.20% p.a., you need to keep your money in it until 31 March 2023 to receive that interest rate. If you break the Term Deposit on 31 March 2022 (which is at the 1-year mark, so you’ve only had it for 50% of its total term), the interest rate you would have received at full term (1.20% p.a.) will be reduced by 60%. You will receive 0.48% p.a.

'Break Cost' rules applied to Term Deposits opened on or before 31 December 2020:

Table 2

Term of the Deposit
Interest rate reduction

3 months


6 months


1 year


2 years


Example: If you bought a 2-year Term Deposit on 1 December 2020 at an agreed interest rate of 1.20% p.a., you need to keep your money in it until 1 December 2022 to receive that interest rate. If you break the Term Deposit on 1 December 2021, because it was a 2-year Term Deposit (regardless how long you've held it) the interest rate will be reduced by 2.00% p.a. (but can't go below 0.00%).

Note: If you bought a Term Deposit on or before 31 December 2020 but the rules to newer Term Deposits (Table 1) give you a higher interest rate, we will apply the more favourable rate to you.

So, let's apply the rules in Table 1 to the Term Deposit you bought on 1 December 2020. You’ve held the Term Deposit for 50% of its total term, so your interest rate will be reduced by 60%. This means instead of 1.20% p.a., you receive 0.48% p.a. This is a better outcome than the 0.00% p.a. if we apply the rules from Table 2. We'll give you an interest rate of 0.48%.

  • Insurance premium
    Varies depending upon the amount and type of cover you choose and other factors such as your gender, age, occupation and your health declarations.
  • Member advice fee
    Varies depending on the advice services you use.
  • Term deposit early closure
    Refer to the section 'Term Deposit Break Costs' for further information.
  • Investment fees on Exchange Traded Products
    Varies depending on the investment fee charged by the Exchange Traded Products provider. It is reflected in the performance of the option.
  • Family law information
    $102.50 per request
  • Family law split
    $256.25 per request
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Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.
Tools and calculators

Your super resources kit

Learn more about super and get a better handle on your investment by using these tools and calculators.

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (AEST/AEDT).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.
How to get started

Jump-start your super savings

1. Open your account

To get set up just enter your contact details, your TFN and select from one of our investment menu options - about five minutes.

2. Consolidate your super

Find your other super so you stop paying for multiple things, like fees and insurance you may not need, that could be eating into your super.

3. Tell your employer

Once your account's open we'll shoot you a handy form to give to your employer to ensure your regular contributions are going straight into your new account.

Before consolidating your super accounts, you should consider where future employer contributions will be paid, any fees you may incur with the rollover and lost current insurance benefits from your existing provider(s). You should discuss any potential super strategies with your accountant or financial adviser.

When opening your account, remember:

You'll need to have your tax file number handy

You must be aged 13 or over

It's for Hong Kong's residents only

Open in just 5 minutes. Or call us on +852 8125 6519, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri (AEST/AEDT).
Remember to have your Tax File Number handy.