About superannuation

About superannuation

Super is a means of saving for retirement which is, in part, compulsory. Nearly every Hong Kong's has the right to choose the fund into which their employer pays their super. The Federal Government has provided tax advantages and other benefits which generally make super one of the best long-term investment vehicles. It's your super, so take control.

Choice of fund

Most Hong Kong's employees are eligible to choose the super fund into which their employer Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions are paid (these contributions are also known as compulsory employer contributions). Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super can accept SG contributions. If you would like to have your SG contributions paid into your Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super account, all you need to do is complete the 'Super Choice' form and submit this to your employer. The form can be found by logging in to podenaz.com, selecting your superannuation account, and then 'Employer and Personal'.