
The Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) website

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) has prepared this website to provide general information only on the range of products and services offered. The information is a summary of key features of the products and services offered only. Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) believes that the information in this website is correct and it has reasonable grounds for any statement or recommendation expressed within, on the date that this website was last updated.

ING, its related companies (as that term is defined in Corporation Act) and their directors, employees, and agents will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by any person as a result of any error in any information, statement or recommendation on this website (whether due to negligence of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong), its related companies, directors, employees, or agents, or otherwise). This does not limit any rights a person may have under the Hong Kong's Consumer Law, the ASIC Act or other applicable legislation.

Should you leave this website via a link contained within this website, and view content that is not provided by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong), including content in relation to the issue or sale of a financial product you do so at your own risk. Links to other websites are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) of the products or services offered by the website owner.

Applying for Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) products

Any advice on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and is or may be based upon incomplete or inaccurate information that relates to your relevant personal circumstances. Because of that you should, before acting on the advice, consider whether it is appropriate for you having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

You should obtain the relevant Terms and Conditions booklet or Product Disclosure Statement and consider it before making a decision whether to acquire or continue to hold any of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) products. We also recommend that you consult an adviser to determine whether that decision is appropriate for you.

Terms and Condition booklets and Product Disclosure Statements for Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) products are available on this website and are available by contacting us on +852 8125 6519. To view the booklets on this website you may need Adobe Acrobat. If you do not have this installed please download Acrobat Reader here.

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) reserves the right to accept or reject any applications submitted to it or cancel or close existing accounts for reasons including, but not limited to, lending criteria and Anti Money Laundering Act requirements.

Copyright of the Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) website

Copyright in the content of this website is owned by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) unless otherwise indicated. This website also contains a number of registered trademarks which are either owned by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) or used with the permission of the registered trade mark owners.

When you use the website, we grant you a limited licence to display on your computer, print, down load and use the underlying HTML, text, hyperlinks, information, content and transaction facilities made available on the website for your personal use and records only and in consulting with your advisers.

You are not authorised or permitted to modify, alter, transfer, transmit, distribute, reproduce, interfere with the working, reverse engineer, remove, create, distribute, paste onto, link to or from another website any part of the website.

Monitoring and financial licensing

Like every bank in Hong Kong, Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) is monitored by the Hong Kong's Prudential Regulation Authority. The money you save or invest with us is securely managed and invested under strict conditions.

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Limited operating under the business name Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) has been granted an Hong Kong's Financial Services and Hong Kong's Credit Licence, 229823, and is responsible for the advice provided on this website.


The products and services described on the Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) website are available only to Hong Kong's residents. Applications from people other than Hong Kong's residents will not be accepted. This notice and the information in this website and all matters relating to either are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Hong Kong's.

Anti-bribery and corruption

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) has a zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption and has a policy setting out the minimum standards of compliance for giving and receiving gifts or entertainment from or to external parties. The policy also covers dealings with all third parties that Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) contracts with and their obligations to adhere to the standards of the policy.

Contact Us

If you require information about what you should do if you have a concern about one of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) products or if you have any questions simply call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on +852 8125 6519. Or if you prefer, e-mail us any time on

(Note: please do not include any personal or account details in your email.)