Direct debit request service agreement

Here you'll find the need-to-knows about our direct debit service agreements for banking and superannuation - simply click the links below for all the detail, and if you have any questions or wish to cancel or make changes, call us on +852 8125 6519.

Banking - Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

If you have any queries concerning this agreement or any drawings made under it, please contact Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) on +852 8125 6519. If you wish to stop or cancel your drawing arrangements, please direct your query to us initially in accordance with Section 2 of this Direct Debit Service Agreement. Podenas Bank (Hong Kong), a business name of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (User ID 123079) is the debit user for the purpose of this Direct Debit Agreement.

The Direct Debit Request is referred to as the "DDR Schedule" in the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.

1. Drawing arrangements - Podenas Bank (Hong Kong)'s commitment to you

The details of your drawing arrangement are shown in your DDR Schedule. These arrangements may include the right to draw funds from the external bank account specified in that DDR Schedule for deposit into your Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) account. We will give you written notice of any changes to your drawing arrangements at least 14 days before those changes occur.

If a drawing date falls on a day which is not a business day, the drawing will be made on the next business day. We reserve the right to cancel your drawing arrangements if two or more drawings are returned unpaid by the financial institution with which your external bank account is held and to arrange an alternative payment method with you.

We will keep your direct debit records and account details confidential, except where the disclosure of certain information to your financial institution is necessary to enable us to act in accordance with your drawing arrangements.

2. Your rights

You can cancel, alter or suspend your drawing arrangements at any time by logging onto your account(s) or phoning us at least two business days before the cancellation, alteration or suspension is to take effect. You can also stop or defer an individual drawing by calling us at least two business days before the date that drawing is to be made. If you consider that a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, you should call and seek advice from one of our Direct Associates for immediate attention. All contact should be made by phoning +852 8125 6519.

If you have authorised your attorney to do so, your attorney can exercise your rights under this Section 2 on your behalf.

We will investigate your concerns and endeavour to respond to you within 21 days. If we conclude that a debit has been made in error, we will arrange for your financial institution to adjust your external bank account and advise you accordingly. If we conclude that a debit has not been made in error, you will be informed of this conclusion and the reasons for it.

3. Your responsibilities

It is your responsibility to:

ensure that your external bank account can accept direct debits (direct debiting may not be available on all accounts. Please check with your financial institution before completing the DDR if you are uncertain);

check the account details for your external bank account against a recent statement from the financial institution where it is held (please check with your financial institution if you are uncertain);

ensure that there are sufficient clear funds in your external bank account by the due date to enable drawings to be made in accordance with your drawing arrangements. If there are insufficient funds in your external bank account to enable a drawing to be made, any amount debited to your external bank account in anticipation of that drawing being made will be reversed. With Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) there are no fees to pay except standard statutory Government charges;

ensure that the authority given to us to draw on your external bank account is consistent with the account authority or signing instructions held by your financial institution for that account;

advise us if your external bank account is transferred, closed or any other account details change;

arrange a suitable payment method if your drawing arrangements are cancelled;

ensure that your attorney does the above if you do not.

Super - Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

If you have any queries concerning this agreement or any drawings made under it, please contact Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) on +852 8125 6519. If you wish to stop or cancel your drawing arrangements, please direct your query to us initially in accordance with the 'Your rights' section below. Diversa Trustees Limited (User ID 444725) is the debit user and for the purposes of this Direct Debit Request Services Agreement the terms "we", "us" or "our" refer to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super.

1. Our commitment to you

The details of your drawing arrangement are shown in your periodic statements in relation to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super. You can view your statements online; simply log on to These arrangements may include the right to draw funds from the bank account you specified for contributions into your Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Living Super account. We will give you written notice of any changes to your drawing arrangements at least 14 days before those changes occur.

If a drawing date falls on a day which is not a business day, the drawing will be made on the next business day. We reserve the right to cancel your drawing arrangements if two or more drawings are returned unpaid by the financial institution with which your external bank account is held and to arrange an alternative payment method with you.

We will keep your direct debit records and account details confidential, except where the disclosure of certain information to your financial institution is necessary to enable us to act in accordance with your drawing arrangements.

2. Your rights

You can cancel, alter or suspend your drawing arrangements at any time online by logging into your account with Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) online banking or phoning us at least two business days before the cancellation, alteration or suspension is to take effect. You can also stop or defer an individual drawing by calling us at least two business days before the date that drawing is to be made. If you consider that a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, you should call immediately on +852 8125 6519. If after making enquiries we confirm that the drawing has been initiated incorrectly we will arrange for your account to be refunded and advise you accordingly. If we find that the drawing has not been initiated incorrectly we will advise you of the reasons for this finding.

If you have authorised your attorney to do so, your attorney can exercise your rights under this 'Your rights' section, on your behalf.

All transaction disputes should be raised directly with us. We will investigate your concerns and endeavour to respond to you within 21 days.

3. Your responsibilities

It is your responsibility to:

ensure that your external bank account can accept direct debits (direct debiting may not be available on all accounts. Please check with your financial institution before completing the DDR if you are uncertain);

check the account details for your external bank account against a recent statement from the financial institution where it is held (please check with your financial institution if you are uncertain);

ensure that there are sufficient clear funds in your external bank account by the due date to enable drawings to be made in accordance with your drawing arrangements. If there are insufficient funds in your external bank account to enable a drawing to be made, any amount debited to your external bank account in anticipation of that drawing being made will be reversed. There are no fees to pay except standard statutory Government charges;

ensure that the authority given to us to draw on your external bank account is consistent with the account authority or signing instructions held by your financial institution for that account;

advise us if your external bank account is transferred, closed or any other account details change;

arrange a suitable payment method if your drawing arrangements are cancelled;

ensure that your attorney, being a person authorised under a power of attorney to act on your behalf, does the above if you do not.

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Insurance (home, car, motorcycle & travel, excluding Pet) - Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

If you elect to make a Payment to AGS by direct debit from your Account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System, then the following terms and conditions of this DDR Service Agreement, your DDR and the Pay Plan apply.

We have included with this DDR Service Agreement (or, if you completed your DDR on-line, we will forward to you) a copy of the Pay Plan. The Pay Plan sets out details of your direct debit arrangements and DDR. Please let us know in writing to our Address if any details in the Pay Plan are incorrect.

Please note that, while preferred contact methods are specified under nominated conditions in the DDR Service Agreement, you can contact us at any time by phone, email, online chat, or in writing to our Address to discuss any concerns about your DDR Service Agreement.

Our commitment to you

1. Drawing Arrangements:

You have authorised us to debit the payment from your Account in accordance with your DDR. We will comply with your DDR when debiting any Payments. Where the debit day for a Payment falls on a non-Business Day in the place of lodgement, we will draw the Payment on the next Business Day. If you are uncertain about when a Payment will be due, you should contact your Financial Institution. We will not change the amount or frequency of a Payment or the terms of this DDR Service Agreement unless we give you at least 14 days’ written notice. We will notify you by sending a notice by the communication method you have nominated to us in the DDR. Any notice sent by ordinary post will be deemed to have been received on the seventh Business Day after having been posted. Any email notice is deemed to be received 2 hours after the time sent, unless we receive an automated message that the email has not been delivered. For fortnightly Payment arrangements, if you miss a payment then you agree that we will automatically spread the next missed payment across the balance of your deductions after the outstanding payment is made. If you do not make the outstanding payment noted above your policy may cancel. The overall premium will not increase.

We may cancel or suspend the DDR Service Agreement if you provide us with any incorrect Account details, a Payment is dishonoured or you stop a Payment.

2. Your Rights:

You may stop any Payment or cancel the DDR Service Agreement at any time by notifying us by phone, sending a written notice directly to us to our Address, or by notifying your Financial Institution. Notice given to us should be received by us at least 7 Business Days prior to the due date for a Payment which you wish to stop.

You may also request a change or deferment of a Payment or your DDR by contacting us by phone or in writing at our Address, or by notifying your Financial Institution and advising your requirements not less than 7 Business Days prior to the due date for a Payment which you wish to change or defer.

Your commitment to us

1. Your Responsibilities:

It is your responsibility to ensure that sufficient funds are available in your Account to meet a Payment on its due date. If there are insufficient funds in your Account to make a Payment and your Financial Institution dishonours the Payment:

we may attempt to re-process the Payment;

we may charge you a fee as set in the FSG;

you must arrange with us a suitable alternate payment method or arrange for sufficient clear funds in your Account by an agreed time so that we can re-process the Payment; and

you may be charged a fee and/or interest by your Financial Institution.

You should check your Account regularly to ensure that the correct amounts have been debited from your Account in accordance with the DDR. It is your responsibility to ensure that the authorisation given to draw on your Account is identical to the account signing instruction held by your Financial Institution. It is your responsibility to advise us, by phone or in writing to our Address, if your Account is transferred or closed. It is also your responsibility to arrange with us a suitable alternate payment method if you wish to stop a Payment or cancel your DDR.

2. Your Account:

Direct debiting through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System may not be available on all accounts including your Account. You should check the details of your Account (as set out in the Pay Plan) against a recent statement from your Financial Institution. If you are uncertain about whether direct debiting is available on your Account or what your Account details are, you should check with your Financial Institution before completing the DDR.

3. Your Indemnity:

You agree to indemnify us for any loss or expense we suffer which arises from or in connection with you giving us incorrect or false information in the DDR. This indemnity will survive termination of the DDR Service Agreement.

Dispute Resolution

Where you consider that a Payment has been incorrectly processed and you wish to dispute a Payment you should take the matter up directly with us, (AGS, ABN 61 003 617 909, User ID 142038) by notifying us by phone and then following up in writing to our Address. Alternatively, you may also dispute a Payment directly with your Financial Institution.

We will attempt to resolve the dispute within 14 days of receiving your notification of the dispute. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your Account has been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by arranging for your Financial Institution to adjust your account accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by which your Account has been adjusted. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your Account has not been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by providing you with reasons and any evidence for this finding in writing. If you are not happy with our decision, you may refer the dispute to your Financial Institution.


We will keep all information pertaining to your Account and your DDR private and confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy (which can be obtained by contacting us) and we will use or disclose information as specifically required by law or to comply with our obligations under this DDR Service Agreement. Our financial institution may require information pertaining to your Account and your DDR if there is a claim made on it relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. There are risks associated with providing DDR information online and you are responsible for keeping that information safe and confidential along with any related security devices or measures.

Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Pet Insurance - Direct Debit Request Service Agreement

If you elect to make a Payment to AGIC by direct debit from your Account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System, then the following terms and conditions of this DDR Service Agreement, your DDR and the Payment Plan apply.

We have included with this DDR Service Agreement (or, if you completed your DDR on-line, we will forward to you) a copy of the Payment Plan. The Payment Plan sets out details of your direct debit arrangements and DDR. Please let us know in writing to our Address if any details in the Payment Plan are incorrect.

Please note that, while preferred contact methods are specified under nominated conditions in the DDR Service Agreement, you can contact us at any time by phone, email, online chat, or in writing to our Address to discuss any concerns about your DDR Service Agreement.

Our commitment to you

1. Drawing Arrangements:

You have authorised us to debit the Payment from your Account in accordance with your DDR. We will comply with your DDR when debiting any Payments. Where the debit day for a Payment falls on a non-Business Day in the place of lodgement, we will draw the Payment on the next Business day. If you are uncertain about when a Payment will be due, you should contact your Financial Institution. We will not change the amount or frequency of a Payment or the terms of this DDR Service Agreement unless we give you at least 14 days' written notice.

We will notify you by sending a notice by the communication method you have nominated to us in the DDR. Any notice sent by ordinary post will be deemed to have been received on the seventh Business Day after having been posted. Any email notice is deemed to be received 2 hours after the time sent, unless we receive an automated message that the email has not been delivered.

We may cancel or suspend the DDR Service Agreement if you provide us with any incorrect Account details, a Payment is dishonoured or you stop a Payment.

2. Your Rights:

You may stop any Payment or cancel the DDR Service Agreement at any time by notifying us by phone, sending a written notice directly to us to our Address or by notifying your Financial Institution. Notice given to us should be received by us at least 7 Business Days prior to the due date for a Payment which you wish to stop.

Your commitment to us

1. Your Responsibilities:

It is your responsibility to ensure that sufficient funds are available in your Account to meet a Payment on its due date. If there are insufficient funds in your Account to make a Payment and your Financial Institution dishonours the Payment:

we may attempt to re-process the Payment;

check the account details for your external bank account against a recent statement from the financial institution where it is held (please check with your financial institution if you are uncertain);

you must arrange with us a suitable alternate payment method or arrange for sufficient cleared funds in your account by an agreed time so that we can re-process the Payment, and;

you may be charged a fee and/or interest by your Financial Institution.

You should check your Account regularly to ensure that the correct amounts have been debited from your Account in accordance with the DDR. It is your responsibility to ensure that the authorisation given to draw on your Account is identical to the account signing instruction held by your Financial Institution. It is your responsibility to advise us, by phone or in writing to our Address, if your Account is transferred or closed. It is also your responsibility to arrange with us a suitable alternate payment method if you wish to stop a Payment or cancel your DDR.

2. Your Account:

Direct debiting through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System may not be available on all accounts including your Account. You should check the details of your Account (as set out in the Payment Plan) against a recent statement from your Financial Institution. If you are uncertain about whether direct debiting is available on your Account or what your Account details are, you should check with your Financial Institution before completing the DDR.

3. Your Indemnity:

You agree to indemnify us for any loss or expense we suffer which arises from or in connection with you giving us incorrect or false information in the DDR. This indemnity will survive termination of the DDR Service Agreement.

Dispute Resolution

Where you consider that a Payment has been incorrectly processed and you wish to dispute a Payment you should take the matter up directly with us, (AGIC, ABN 42 111 586 353, User ID 610095) notifying us by phone and then following up in writing or in writing to our address. Alternatively, you may also dispute a Payment directly with your Financial Institution.

We will attempt to resolve the dispute within 14 days of receiving your notification of the dispute. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your Account has been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by arranging for your Financial Institution to adjust your Account accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by which your account has been adjusted. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your account has not been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by providing you with reasons and any evidence for this finding in writing. If you are not happy with our decision, you may refer the dispute to your Financial Institution.


We will keep all information pertaining to your Account and your DDR private and confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy (which can be obtained by contacting us) and we will use or disclose information as specifically required by law or to comply with our obligations under this DDR Service Agreement. Our financial institution may require information pertaining to your Account and your DDR if there is a claim made on it relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit.

There are risks associated with providing DDR information on-line and you are responsible for keeping that information safe and confidential along with any related security devices or measures.


"Account" means your account (held with the Financial Institution) that you have nominated and advised to us in the DDR.

"Address" means PO Box 342, Toowong, Qld 4066.

"AGS" means Auto & General Services Pty Ltd ABN 61 003 617 909 with User ID 142038.

"Business Day" means a day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public holiday listed throughout Hong Kong's.

"DDR" means the direct debit request authorised and requested by you to AGS to make a Payment by direct debit from your Account.

"DDR Service Agreement" means this direct debit request service agreement between you and us.

"Financial Institution" means the financial institution with which your Account is held.

"FSG" means the AGS Financial Services Guide applicable to the product purchased from AGS to which the DDR relates.

"Pay Plan" means the AGS Pay Plan setting out certain details of your DDR. "Payment" means a direct debit payment made by you to AGS either in accordance with your DDR or for any future fees and premiums owed to AGS.

"you" means the person who authorised and requested the DDR.

"we" or us or our" means or refers to AGS who you have authorised by requesting a DDR.