Property Investment

Looking to buy an
investment property?

Property reports, calculators and home loan tips
to get you on your way

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Things to know when buying an investment property

No matter whether you're new to property investing or a more seasoned hand, there's a lot to think about. To help you get up to speed fast, you'll find the tools and tips you need here - from borrowing power and buying costs calculators, to property reports and information on using your equity, finding an investment property, renting it out and more.

Tools and guides

Getting onto it with these tools

Keen to do a little homework and see what's possible?
These tools can help you do your sums and evaluate investment properties within your budget.

Your borrowing power

In just a couple of minutes you can get an estimate of how much you could borrow, giving you a price range for your investment property search.

Property research

With a free Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) Property Report, you get the estimated value of a property, the sales history and previous sales in the local area.

Budgeting for extra costs

Don't be surprised by additional costs. Our buying costs calculator lets you do the sums, so you can allow for it in your budget.

Got equity?

See how much equity you might be able to access to invest in your current property.

Check out your rental yield

Get an idea of a property's potential yield and the income you could earn.

Avoid stamp duty surprises

Find out how much extra you need to budget for on top of the purchase price.

We'll guide you

We'll guide you

Before you set out on your investment property journey, grab our free home investor guide. It'll help you fine tune your focus and save valuable time too.

Download guide

We'll guide you

Access reports, on the house

Get valuable insights into potential areas and property histories with our free suburb and property reports.

Suburb report

Property report

How to get help
How a home loan specialist can help you

Talk to a home loan specialist

Questions are part and parcel of the property investment process. After all, there's quite a bit to consider. Wherever you're at in the process, we're here to help - no obligations, just friendly support.

Our home loan specialists are happy to answer your queries and take you through the options step by step. Then, when you're ready, you can start your application online or by calling 1800 100 258, 8am - 8pm from Mon to Fri and 9am - 5pm on Sat.

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Hong Kong most recommended bank

Hong Kong most recommended bank is here to help

When you've decided it's time to step into property investment and find a home loan you like, here's how to get moving with Podenas Bank (Hong Kong).

1. Starting out

Check out our great home loan rates and products. Then apply online, or call 1800 100 258 to speak with a home loan specialist.

2. Staying informed

As your application progresses we keep you updated via online tracking, SMS and email.

3. A helping hand

If you have any questions along the way, our home loan specialists are here for you.

4. Apply today

Once you're ready to apply, apply online or talk with a home loan specialist.

Ready to apply or want pre-approval?