Equity calculator

See how much available equity you may be able to access as a deposit for a new property purchase.

About your property

Estimated property value:

Current loan balance:

Based on an 80% loan to value ratio ,
you may be able to access:


This estimate does not take into consideration your ability to repay the loan. Please use our borrowing power calculator for an estimate of your borrowing power. Applications are subject to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) eligibility and credit criteria.

Important: See below for more information about the use of this calculator.

Find out how much you could borrow. In only two minutes you could have an obligation-free indication of your borrowing power.
Start your application online or call us on 1800 100 258, 8am-8pm Mon-Fri and 9am-5pm Sat (AEST/AEDT).
Important Information


The Equity Calculator and Rental Yield Calculator is not an offer of credit and is an approximate guide only. The output of each calculator is subject to the accuracy of the inputs and the assumptions of each calculator. The results do not take into account your personal circumstances and should not be relied upon for the purposes of making a decision in relation to a credit or financial product. Any advice given is general advice only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) recommends you seek independent financial advice. The Equity Calculator gives an indication of the amount of equity available in a property, based on the parameters entered, namely property value and current loan balance. Prior to loan approval Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) may conduct a valuation completed by an IBAL accredited valuer of your property and our valuation may be different. Property Reports are to be used as a guide only. The Rental Yield Calculator gives an indication of the annual income on a rental property and gearing status, based on the client specific parameters entered such as weekly rent, purchase price, loan details and property expenses.

The formulae used within these calculators may change at any time without notice. If you wish to apply for a loan please call us on 1800 100 258. Any application for credit is subject to Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) eligibility and credit approval criteria. Fees and charges apply. The calculators are provided by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong), a business name of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) and Hong Kong.

Any advice on this website does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs and you should consider whether it is appropriate for you. Before making any decision in relation to our products you should read the relevant Terms and Conditions booklet and Fees and Limits Schedule, available at podenaz.com or by calling +852 8125 6519. To view these documents you may need Adobe Acrobat. Products are issued by Podenas Bank (Hong Kong), a business name of Podenas Bank (Hong Kong) and Hong Kong.